My interview with Melissa Tosetti, author of Living the Savvy Life: the Savvy Woman’s Guide to Smart Spending and Rich Living, will air tomorrow at 1 PM and be rebroadcast Monday, Jan. 23rd at 8 AM. Listen live at KRUU to hear Melissa discuss how to achieve financial security by avoiding both overspending and excessive frugality. After Jan. 23rd, this interview will be posted here, on Writers Voices, and on KRUU’s archives.
At businesswomen’s conferences in San Francisco and Sacramento, Melissa’s chaired panel discussions on balanced spending and financial security. She founded the online magazine, The Savvy Life and coauthored Living the Savvy Life with the magazine’s managing editor, Kevin Gibbons. Melissa teaches courses on savvy living in the San Francisco Bay area and also at Chabot College in Hayward, California. Melissa also teaches Kung Fu and Fearless Fitness classes. Her hobbies include traveling with husband Paul and son Dante, horseback riding, gardening, and cooking. She’s a lively, accomplished woman with lots of tips to share. Tune in tomorrow!