On January 7th, 2013 I embarked on a new adventure: hosting, writing, and producing my own radio show! My show airs on KRUU-LP 100.1 FM. KRUU is a noncommercial, community radio station. Volunteer hosts produce nearly all its programming. I’m thrilled to be a part of this creative community! While its broadcasting power–supplied by solar energy–is low, people all over the world can access its programs via live streaming and the archives on kruufm.com. Many friends helped me celebrate the launching of this venture by stopping by the radio studio in the cultural district of Fairfield, Iowa.
I named my new show “The Studio.” Creative people thrive in studios. My new show is broadcast from a radio studio, and I’m learning things I never thought I could by spending time in this new-to-me kind of studio. Some of the guests I’ll have on “The Studio” work in art studios, fitness studios, music studios, writers’ studios. By coaxing different kinds of creative people out of their usual studios and into KRUU’s radio studio, I hope to broaden my and my listeners’ understanding of what creativity is so we can learn how to slip more of it into our lives. “The Studio” is not just a place to me: it’s also a curious and receptive state of mind.

Jill Farmer, Life Coach
The premiere episode of “The Studio” featured Certified Master Life Coach Jill Lingwall Farmer. Jill’s mission in life is teaching fun, open-minded men and women how to overcome their belief that there’s not enough time to get everything done. Jill shared client-tested strategies for streamlining to-do lists so that they reflect our deepest motivations in life and ensure satisfaction and success. A former TV anchor and consumer issues reporter, Jill’s a summa cum laude graduate of Drake University’s School of Journalism. She’s received Emmy Awards and other accolades for excellence in reporting. Her book, “There’s Not Enough Time…And Other Lies We Tell Ourselves” was published in 2012. I’ve seen real improvements in my life after putting Jill’s strategies to the test. Piggybacking–grafting new good habits you want to form onto old good habits you’ve previously developed–really works! So do the other strategies Jill shared. Tune in, and give them a try!