My interview with Larry Brooks, author of Story Engineering, airs today at 1 PM and again Monday, Jan. 2nd at 8 AM. Listen live at to hear Larry discuss the six core competencies fiction writers need and how screenwriting principles can help novelists structure their books. After Jan. 2nd, this interview will be added to the KRUU archives.
Like Larry, author Eve Heidi Bine-Stock has applied screenwriting principles to a seemingly dissimilar genre. Her book How to Write a Children’s Picture Book: Volume I Structure demonstrates how classic children’s picture books, like The Very Hungry Caterpillar, reflect screenwriting paradigms. Eve includes detailed analyses of over two dozen classic picture books and even provides a graph of each book’s structure. The other books in this series are Volume II: Word, Sentence, Scene, Story and Volume III: Figures of Speech. Each of these books is a great resource for picture book writers.
During her recent interview on KRUU, prolific author Sharron L. McElmeel provided great tips for people who want to nurture children’s love of reading and also for authors or educators who want to make the most of author school visits. You can listen to Sharron’s interview here. Her photo’s below.