B.K. Loren has been a naturalist, large predator monitor for Colorado State Parks, professional brainstormer, assistant chef, ranch hand, furniture maker, UPS driver, and college professorwhile still managing to produce prose that reviewers deem visceral, lyrical, and incandescent. Her writing has garnered Pushcart nominations, fellowships, and inclusion among Best American Spiritual Writing anthologies. BK lives with her partner, two dogs, and two cats in Colorado, where long, daily walks enrich her reflections on life. Join us for a discussion of her debut novel, Theft, categorized by writer Ann Pancake as “part environmental novel, part elegy to place, part family tragedy, part murder mystery.” A riveting combination!
Listen via livestream on Friday, Aug. 17 at 1 PM CDT or Monday, Aug. 20 at 8 AM CDT: go to kruufm.com; at the top left, find “Playing On Air Now” and click “Listen Live.”